The solitary man
Character and Dominants : Morality, Will, Activity, Dynamism |
Plant : Yew | Animal : Boar |
Colour : Green | Zodiac Sign : Capricorn |
Genre : Male | Numerology : |
Origin : Portuguese first name | Etymology : |
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His animal totem, the wild boar represents him well; active, irate, determined and brave, nevertheless, Adonilo is doted with a high emotivity and is a heart-felt person. Introverted, solitary and reserved by nature, Adonilo may, if necessary, behave extrovertly and participate in society if it is in his interest. He may act either with full confidence or be wary if he believes it is necessary.
In all cases Adonilo cannot be influenced, he considers himself an independent and responsible person from an early age, and others should do so too. For him morality is a real and natural religion, a system of moral and strict laws. Adonilo applies this integrity to himself and also wants to also apply it to his family, friends and professional colleagues. His instinct is sharp, he cannot be influenced, Adonilo feels things, senses them. He does not bother with seduction, either he is loved as he is, or he isn't.
His emotivity makes Adonilo seem more human. This sensitivity counter-balances his strength and opinioned aspect. Adonilo will never let go, no setbacks are allowed. Obstinacy characterises him, he even likes it when people resist him.
His relationship with others is affected by this and therefore he is not easy to get to know. But once done, Adonilo is a highly loyal friend, although he must not be disappointed.
Adonilo likes to command, direct, have a goal to achieve, and he will not give up until it has been reached.
With a strong work ethic, a sense of discipline and courage, all these qualities to which can be added a strong desire make Adonilo a genuine leader. A dietary discipline is essential to him, even though Adonilo feels capable of everything.
He believes he is made of stone but he should be careful, his overwhelming vitality can play tricks on him if he is not aware of the limits to his resistance. Inevitably Adonilo is sociable only when he decides, and only with his family and carefully chosen friends.
His high morality that he seeks to impose on his entourage is no stranger to this. His dynamism is as intense as his will and activity; he is a man that associates action with determination. Without this great dynamism he would tend towards immobility like his plant mascot; the yew.
He has a very strong personality, doted with a great memory; above all, Adonilo has analytical skills.
Where others see things, he observes, dissects, judges, formulates his idea and then proceeds with caution.
He can be affectionate with an unfailing loyalty if Adonilo voluntarily accepts to live among others.
One should nevertheless be wary of him if he is emotionally, socially or professionally hurt.
It is within a firmly-based family that Adonilo thrives and is fulfilled, particularly relating to sexual matters.