He who hides the fire

Character and Dominants : Morality, Will, Reactivity, Emotivity |
Plant : Vervain | Animal : Bat |
Colour : Orange | Zodiac Sign : Virgo |
Genre : Male | Numerology : |
Origin : Dutch fist name | Etymology : |
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Claas has a tendency to take refuge in a scepticism that he finds reassuring. He has quite a strong morality.
Claas needs to be able to express himself in complete freedom to avoid anxiety when launching an idea or an opinion, and especially to avoid folding in on himself. Claas is far too rational to place any major importance on intuition, he considers it an uncontrollable aspect of his subconscious.
This is the weakness of Claas, a weak emotivity that provokes quite a few complexes.
Claas is quite wary concerning friendship and love, for him it is a real decision to give of himself. Claas has excessive reactions, sometimes even violent, that are used to hide, to protect him from life. He likes to oppose, particularly suffering from setbacks and anything that could wound his susceptibility.
Claas has a relatively strong will but is often blocked by his even stronger emotivity which encourages blockages and hesitation, particularly the latter. These are caused by his anxiety that he is not equal to his ambitions. It is through action, of all types, that Claas finds fulfilment.
Claas is disciplined, a worker, and always seeks the solution to problems that only he does not neglect. His health and vitality are excellent and Claas resists fatigue well, he is capable of working entire nights, even if he risks overwork at times. Preferring small get-togethers than large gatherings, sociability for Claas is a source of anxiety and from hence his hesitation. Claas is highly balanced and at times shows an extraordinary courage and faith when facing complex problems.
He can be objective but lacks a certain self-confidence at times, even to the point of being timid; he can therefore abandon things before even really starting them when faced with minor problems.
Claas has a powerful and superficial intelligence that enables him to consider all the details of each situation. However this intelligence can also be quite disconcerting as Claas can get stuck on simple problems and, to the contrary, easily understand those that are quite complex.
Claas has a very ordered memory and remarkable abilities as long as his curiosity continues to be motivated.
Claas needs to feel secure, this is why he is very possessive, as much in the material sphere as with his feelings. So much so that the emotional withdrawal he can sometimes be prone to can provoke a certain aggressiveness in him.
His sensuality is often held back by a repression that could be linked to his childhood or religion. His sensorality and his sexuality hide behind an aggressive rivalry.
In conclusion
Claas's success is primarily due to the obstinacy with which he faces everything he is asked to do, even more brilliant if those around him give him the confidence he so sorely needs.