Meaning of name Devaraja


He who carries the world

Character and Dominants : Sociability, Affection, Sensoriality, Vitality
Plant : Fig TreeAnimal : Jaguar
Colour : YellowZodiac Sign : Cancer
Genre : Male Numerology : 8
Origin : Indian first name Etymology :
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Devaraja's character is marked by a certain duality; on one side he is marked with wisdom, a certain understanding of the real world that his plant mascot, the Fig Tree represents well. On the other side he can be unpredictable and highly reactive as can be imagined from his animal mascot, the Jaguar. Not easily influenced, Devaraja is fairly balanced despite his dual character. He can be extravert when he opens up to the world and has a real desire to do good and communicate but he can also be turned inwards into his own well organised universe. Devaraja manages a whole system of values, he is in fact the moral advisor for those around him. Devaraja reacts with precision and efficiency as he has strong intuitive faculties.


Devaraja is very emotional, so much so that his emotivity can provoke explosive situations in the family as at school or in the professional arena. Devaraja has a real sense of friendship that can reach its limits when friends are transformed into disciples. Highly inclined to questions, Devaraja can easily be combative but always in an intelligent manner with a real desire to improve things. Highly affected by setbacks, Devaraja can become very angry on occasion.


He is highly determined; maybe too much at times as he can become obsessed, Devaraja can become tyrannical and rapidly take his desires for reality. Devaraja needs to step back a little, particularly concerning situations, even more so as his desire to question himself pushes him towards constant doubt. Far more comfortable with conception than implementation, Devaraja adapts rapidly and easily as long as he is highly involved with events. He has a surprising resistance; Devaraja certainly doesn't have to worry about overwork. He has a sociability that is actually quite complicated as Devaraja lacks diplomacy at times; he can be too direct in his communications and often tries to over-impose his morality. With a dynamism that is close to excess, one might think that Devaraja has too much. Highly confident in himself, he gives the impression of having a mission to accomplish.


A very curious person, turning towards the unknown through a thirst for knowledge, Devaraja wants to know everything, and at any price; he actually has an analytical intelligence that enables him to see everything in great detail.


Devaraja is very sensitive to all emotional events, whether good or bad, even more so as he possesses a real emotive memory. Possessive, though more as a means to draw closer, to help, than to actually possess, Devaraja likes to protect those he considers as weaker.


Devaraja needs a crystal clear image of things as he has a demanding sensoriality and strong sexuality. Only moral reasoning can enable him to dominate these characteristics.

In conclusion

An impassioned personality who it is hard to keep up with, Devaraja knows his true worth and will do whatever necessary to reach his goal.