Meaning of name Ichibei


He who shines

Character and Dominants : Will, Activity, Sociability, Intellect
Plant : AcaciaAnimal : Ibis
Colour : GreenZodiac Sign : Leo
Genre : Male Numerology : 9
Origin : Japanese first name Etymology :
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Passionate and emotive, Ichibei is fairly sure of himself and has the soul of a leader; he only becomes involved in situations where he holds the reins. Ichibei's behaviour can seem mysterious at times, like his animal mascot the Ibis. An extravert, Ichibei finds fulfilment through community participation in his social life and professional life. He is balanced, knows where he is going and who with. Difficult to influence, he does however have the intelligence to listen and accept suggestions from others. Ichibei builds his life according to a system of values originating in good morality, without being conscious of that fact. He has a certain serenity and faith regarding the future. To hear him or see him, Ichibei is almost guided by his inner voice, he has an ardent intuition and fine vision regarding the solutions to life's problems. His great powers of seduction mean that Ichibei immediately inspires confidence. He is also doted with a vivid imagination but never loses sight of things through pointless daydreaming.


Ichibei enlivens all those around him. He is very sensitive and seems to be constantly vaunting the merits of others, either those around him or the latest person he was close to. Ichibei has a strong sense of friendship, solid and freely given, in fact, Ichibei expects nothing in return, he is very generous. Ichibei dominates himself perfectly and his reactions are always measured, however Ichibei also knows how to put his foot down if his patience is abused.


Will is the dominant force in this type of character; on the boil, overflowing with possibilities... Throughout his entire life, Ichibei will launch himself into adventures, and will never abandon them. Ichibei is tremendously active and needs to know and see clearly where he is going as the possibilities are numerous. Ichibei enjoys showing his initiative and decision making capabilities, to be fulfilled he needs responsibility. Although he is irregular in his activity and despite the fact that he works step by step, Ichibei still possesses high vitality and a precious physical and mental balance. Ichibei has the gift of being able to put those around him at ease, effortlessly; he knows what to say, and when. He is extremely sociable without being tyrannical. Ichibei has great self-confidence and can devote himself , even sacrifice himself, to a cause that seems right. He is objective and his dynamism reaches as high as the circumstances and his activity requires.


Ichibei has a remarkable memory and an insatiable curiosity that are at the service of an intelligence that is both analytical and superficial. In fact, Ichibei can attain a good general view of a situation whilst taking into account the tiny details; his intelligence is therefore highly present and admirably adapted to understanding and learning, both fast and well.


Ichibei expresses himself emotionally without difficulty, he doesn't tend to use flowery phrases but rather appropriate acts and behaviour. He has very affectionate and passionate.


The strong sensorality of Ichibei is entirely linked to his dynamism and activity. He has such a strong life force, fully expressed, that his sensuality can only be strong too.

In conclusion

Possessing a rich personality, he is a great man of powerful intensity. Ichibei is a man that cannot be missed, and cannot be forgotten.

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