The man who seeks

Character and Dominants : Affection, Morality, Will, Vitality |
Plant : Bay Tree | Animal : Vampire |
Colour : Green | Zodiac Sign : Aries |
Genre : Male | Numerology : |
Origin : Cambodian first name | Etymology : |
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Khemera has a very balanced type of character, his activity is relative to his will, that means that his reactivity has the same intensity as his emotivity.
This results in a man who is master of himself, with a real presence and a prudent go-getter. Khemera is an extrovert that always keeps an eye on those around him and the outside world, he can devote himself, body and soul, to a cause.
He gives the impression of moving within an uncomplicated world where to be happy one simply needs to understand and love, he emanates a joy in life and a serene work attitude. Khemera observes a strictness in his behaviour ; he is fair and straight with well established life principles.
Khemera has great faith and a strong sense of friendship, neither setbacks or treason can repel him.
He is a man of his word. Khemera gives far more credit to his thought and his intelligence than his intuition. In fact he only uses it to validate and confirm his ideas and actions.
Khemera's emotivity is nourished through contact with others, it is hidden within himself but wakes in certain cases to become a compassionate emotivity, like his animal mascot, the vampire, it feeds on others. Khemera may appear hot tempered at times but this is proof more of his dynamism than of aggressiveness. What is the point of getting angry and upset when the situation is perfectly in handoe He doesn't possess the weakness of hiding his hesitation behind aggressiveness, on the contrary Khemera acts without complexity but with vigour.
Far from being restrictive to himself or those around him, Khemera's determination is powerful, reasonable and often spontaneous. His activity is intense as it is maintained by a strong will and great dynamism. Khemera is highly efficient, nothing is lost, everything can be transformed, everything is useful. The perfect mental equilibrium and psychic fullness that characterises Khemera is reflected in his physical form. Khemera is generally a man in good health with great vitality, the assurance of a calm life. Extremely available and ready to participate in life, Khemera chooses his friends and creates a social context that gives him the consideration that nourishes his exuberance. His dynamism is linked to his will, activity and sociability and enables him to achieve balance and efficiency in his actions and human interactions.
Doted with a clear and analytical intelligence, Khemera cleverly practices the art of disentangling difficult situations so gaining a clearer vision of things much faster.
A highly curious person, he can be found everywhere that something important takes place and he is blessed with a great memory.
Khemera is the type of man who is satisfied by the joy of others. To be happy himself he only requires that those around him are happy too.
His life is stable and balanced.
His sensoriality is directly linked to a strong affection, so much so that Khemera is highly dependent on his emotions.
His sexuality is simple and frail and it is in a durable relationship that Khemera finds true fulfilment.
In conclusion
As with all men, Khemera sometimes loses his path, but every time this happens he has the intellectual honesty to be able to take another path.
His success resides mainly on his reasoned enthusiasm.