The devoted man, the homely man
Character and Dominants : Will, Sensorality, Intellect, Vitality |
Plant : Thistle | Animal : Cricket |
Colour : Green | Zodiac Sign : Scorpio |
Genre : Male | Numerology : |
Origin : English first name | Etymology : |
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It is difficult to define the true character of Layne who can appear phlegmatic or impassioned; this can be quite disconcerting.
You never know exactly how Layne will behave and in fact it is he who will decide how he wishes to appear. Layne always expresses himself according to a precise idea he has and a goal that he has firmly fixed however he is quite capable of devoting himself to a good cause.
Layne is objective and has strong self-confidence, he is not easily influenced. He can seem prey to timidity but this is more an appearance than reality. Layne doesn't cheat with his conscience and has an almost military morality, either it's possible, or it isn't!
He believes in himself, his objectives and the principles that guide him.
Layne is not particularly emotive, he hides his emotions well without displaying explosive reactions. Layne is the type of person who decides during debates, who can show flippancy, even insolence.
He is a wilful person, in action as in appearance. This particularly refers to motivated actions as Layne needs to know why and for whom he is acting, and what exactly the purpose is. This is because he knows who he is, what he can do, and what he wants to do. Layne is brilliant without being arrogant, authoritarian without being aggressive and is characterised by a strong professional conscience. Layne doesn't tend to worry about his health and vitality as generally speaking these follow the rhythm of his life and don't cause any major problems. All of Layne's actions are stamped with a certain sociability; he introduces consideration and a paternalistic touch into all his dealings with others.
Layne is master of himself and this type of character is always wide open to the world around them. His dynamism is in complete harmony with his activity. Layne has a deep understanding of authority and power.
Layne has an intelligence that is both analytical and yet superficial, a combination that is quite rare.
He has a vision of situations and problems that is global yet penetrating relative to details.
It is through the subject of his regard that we see who Layne respects and feels tenderness towards.
Layne is an understanding person who is highly attentive towards the behaviour of others.
He is very affectionate and expresses his feelings and love with a great deal of equilibrium and nuances.
Layne is a lover of life who, from early on, enjoys the benefits of good things, although without excess and without resorting to acts contrary to his principles.
His sexuality is quite exacting and precocious but well balanced.
Layne is loyal and capable of enjoying a great love affair that is both passionate and peaceful.
In conclusion
Never confused, but confusing, Layne has a strong character.