Meaning of name Liangde


He who trains, who commands

Character and Dominants : Emotionalism, Intellect, Sociability, Activity
Plant : TruffleAnimal : Dolphin
Colour : YellowZodiac Sign : Aries
Genre : Male Numerology : 7
Origin : Chinese first name Etymology :
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Always trying to question everything, Liangde is never at rest. He gets involved in everything, he is interested in everything and has definitive opinions about everything, and therefore Liangde is not a person who is easily influenced. Liangde also has a split personality, he is both introverted, leading an intense inner life, and extraverted which is manifested externally with great efficiency, he is both objective and subjective, full of self-confidence and yet is relatively shy. He has a remarkable morality that tends to irritate those surrounding him who see a perfect and flawless example in Liangde, especially if Liangde crushes their defiance. Liangde has a considerable sense of friendship, he is capable of great devotion to his friends, completely selfless. His intuition is good but Liangde is still wary, preferring to rely on his intelligence; more certain and reassuring in his opinion.


This powerful emotivity needs to be watched, it shouldn't lead to nervousness that could in turn drive Liangde to show unpleasantness or unfairness in his decisions. Liangde is difficult to control, and his reactions, often slow compared to his emotivity or activity, tend to make him stubborn and contrary when he is offered something new.


Action is a real addiction for Liangde and he even sometimes becomes involved in pointless pursuits, which he himself does not believe in, just to keep busy. Liangde has great work ethics and excellent organisational abilities, he will know how to plan the most delicate operations. However, he often shows the fault of wanting to do everything himself. Liangde is a worrier, he has very good health and vitality but he often shows anxiety, especially as he lives a high speed life in a nervous state. Liangde is very important, he loves being surrounded but he tends to be the centre of attention in conversations. His dynamism is almost as high as his activity, so that he sometimes hesitates in the middle of an action, but Liangde keeps his concerns to himself and continues to charge forwards, but suddenly increases his nervousness.


This is what is most striking with Liangde; his intelligence is both superficial and analytical which is rare. He has a global vision of the situation while at the same time he can discern the details.


Liangde has a tenderness that is expressed only very rarely, hidden under a certain coldness, which makes his affections quite complex.


His sensoriality must be rational, not that Liangde has no tempting impulses, but the satisfaction of his desires must fit in with his life plan. His sexuality is powerful but controlled as Liangde hates being overtaken by events, even in terms of sensuality.

In conclusion

Unwavering commitment and a great moral intransigence characterise Liangde. However, Liangde should remember that he is subject to amazing alternative successes and setbacks that make him a little more human.