Meaning of name Luo-shan


He who generates

Character and Dominants : Sociability, Affection, Vitality
Plant : Apple TreeAnimal : Sable
Colour : GreenZodiac Sign : Libra
Genre : Male Numerology : 6
Origin : Chinese first name Etymology :
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Luo-shan is phlegmatic, he likes to enjoy life and can happily pass the time. He isn't really lazy but it all depends on what he needs to do. Luo-shan is an extravert who needs contact with others so he doesn't feel alone. One might think he can be influenced as he agrees with others easily, but this is due more to a desire to not shock others than through any real conviction. Love is everything for Luo-shan and he has an enjoyable way of combining sensations including sexuality and gluttony. Luo-shan has a strong morality, one may think it is a morality by omission in the sense that it has its source in an absence of activity. However this is not the case, Luo-shan has a real system of values that he believes in and is attached to. For Luo-shan, friendship borders on the sacred; do not touch his friends, and this clannish attitude is present from a very early age. Luo-shan is an intuitive person who possesses remarkable flair and can have a philosophical idea of things.


He has a weak emotivity but Luo-shan's life is not however immune to anxiety. In fact he is a great worrier that needs reassuring during the passage of his life. Everything is calm for Luo-shan, however behind his phlegm there exists a person who is extremely talented and highly imaginative, capable of creating interesting surprises.


His will is not very strong and its expression is through whims that are often related to a profitable activity. For Luo-shan there are various types of activity and of these, few in number are those where he invests with pleasure, or through duty, that require little motivation and encouragement, and there is another type; those he prefers leaving to others with the attitude that work that can be avoided by himself will be good for the others who do it. Luo-shan is full of vitality and enjoys satisfactory health. However he can quickly become overworked concerning activities that absorb him. How can Luo-shan live without others as he actually expects everything from others. Those whom he expects to do tasks that were initially entrusted to him, those who ensure he is not alone, who are there for him, around him. So yes, Luo-shan is very sociable. If it relates to the desire to do something, a project that is slumbering in his soul, a wish that is taking shape in his mind then yes we can say he is dynamic but in other cases this word is nonexistent in his vocabulary.


Luo-shan has an analytical intelligence and likes going into the details, especially if that enables him to advise and delegate others.


Luo-shan enjoys loving and being loved, he needs to receive a lot of love and give back in order to feel complete. Love is the prime essence of Luo-shan's life and he needs to be with someone who shares the same values, the same peaceful vision of life.


His sensorality essentially revolves around beauty, even his language is peppered with aesthetical comments. For Luo-shan that which is attractive is good, and what is good can be consumed and this is also applicable to his partners.

In conclusion

Luo-shan has a wealth of possibilities and has many qualities that his nonchalance and phlegm will not allow him to express. However, Luo-shan is easily content with his lot and is therefore generally in a good mood, doesn't really question things and radiates a certain tranquil bliss.