Meaning of name Maeko


She who discovers the soul of others, and things

Character and Dominants : Will, Activity, Intellect, Affection
Plant : BroomAnimal : Termite
Colour : YellowZodiac Sign : Leo
Genre : Female Numerology : 9
Origin : Japanese first name Etymology :
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Maeko has a great mastery over herself which enables her to face situations that can be delicate at times. She often takes the time to reflect before launching herself completely into action. Luckily so as Maeko is impassioned; her emotivity and thirst for action push her towards extreme solutions. Maeko is an extravert who easily shows her feelings and can easily adapt to the outside world. Disconcertingly, Maeko is objective in her judgement but subjective in her affection. She is driven by an irresistible self-confidence, when she gives she doesn't count the cost for those around her, or for a fair cause. Maeko has two types of morality; an individual morality which is very rigid and unshakeable, and a collective or circumstantial morality which is far more supple. Capable of piercing through to the truth, one shouldn't lie to Maeko as she sees things very clearly. Her intuition is excellent and enables her to discover the secrets of life.


Maeko is an impassioned person with a very strong emotivity, very intense, that however she manages to control whilst still keeping calm and without becoming over-excited. This is difficult to manage as Maeko doesn't react, she explodes! She often talks vehemently but always with a conviction that entails commitment. It is difficult to dissuade her, to persuade her to renounce a particular action or course, unless you can convince her that this doesn't fit in with her overall objective.


A very strong will characterises Maeko, it enables her to keep her family at arm's reach and stops her from being trodden on. She has a rigorous will but can adapt in accordance with circumstances. Maeko benefits from a good vitality, she needs to watch her health however, particularly her diet. Maeko is a person who is always under pressure, always seeking contact, and more particularly someone to help, advise or even enter into a conflict with. She is generally proud and her friendship can be tyrannical but if she grants it she is capable of great care and loyalty. Her dynamism is as strong as her bubbling psyche which doesn't make her easy to live with, but fascinating to watch her live.


Her intelligence is both analytical and superficial; this means that Maeko is capable of a global overview of an operation whilst not missing the details. She also has an innate sense of diplomacy which is constantly useful to her.


Affection is the principle drive behind Maeko's activity, with no middle way. If she believes, if she loves then she can move mountains, but if she has doubts then it seems that everything crumbles around her.


Maeko loves strong feelings, however for her it's all or nothing, notably when it comes to her sexuality. Impassioned, with a thirst for the absolute, she is capable of sacrificing everything for her ideal.

In conclusion

Her reactions are fierce, even violent at times. She has a strong oppositional streak and refuses categorically to cede when she believes she is in the right. Setbacks do not deter her, the strongest contradictions and cruellest deceptions only reinforce this combative aspect.

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