He who comes
Character and Dominants : Morality, Sociability, Affection, Emotivity |
Plant : Plane Tree | Animal : Tit |
Colour : Green | Zodiac Sign : Aquarius |
Genre : Male | Numerology : |
Origin : Japanese first name | Etymology : |
This name is noted
by our visitors |
Mitsukane shows two different types of personality: Mitsukane can appear as phlegmatic and relatively immobile like his plant mascot, the plane tree, but he can also seem quite dynamic like his animal mascot, the tit, the bringer of messages.
In all cases, Mitsukane is emotive, a sentimental being who above all needs to be understood and loved. Mitsukane needs to communicate, he has something to say and as he is the bearer of messages he wishes to make his knowledge and convictions known to the maximum number of people possible.
Mitsukane is an extrovert and has a very open mind however he can also be influenced as he worries too much about others' attitudes and therefore has a tendency to not always know exactly where he is. Mitsukane is a moral person who can cope with responsibility and exercises a certain self-discipline.
He enjoys sharing his principles with the group he belongs to that of course has the same moral values and foundations as him.
In all cases, Mitsukane is a believer on both the spiritual and intellectual fronts.
It is really the dual forces of emotivity and reactivity that create an explosive and unstable combination in Mitsukane's reactions, close to hyper sensitivity at times. Mitsukane doesn't really have much self-confidence, this is why he needs to be surrounded by people, he will often look for people whom he can influence.
Mitsukane has a strong resolve but is slowed by his indecision, he may act on impulse at times or, on the contrary, hesitate and not reach the final goal of his actions. Generally objective, you can discuss all types of subjects with Mitsukane, controversial or delicate; he is at ease in a wide variety of sectors and likes to share his knowledge. An elevated vitality which is often compromised as Mitsukane can create 'illnesses' at times and is also occasionally negligent relative to his health. Charming and sociable, Mitsukane is sensitive to friendship; this friendship could be male or female. Mitsukane gives a lot to his friends, more than he receives, and hates solitude. Mitsukane succeeds in a collective environment, a common project in which he can invest his energy and dynamism.
Mitsukane has trouble coping with setbacks and suffers when he feels misunderstood.
Mitsukane has a superficial intelligence, he directly notices the major points of a situation, and the problems, and doesn't worry overmuch about the details, or look for them either which can cause problems.
Highly sensitive, Mitsukane is affectionate and needs tenderness. Spontaneous in his feelings and in his sensuality, Mitsukane needs to be loved, and be told that he is loved; he is not satisfied with long term promises or vague approval.
Mitsukane may have a complicated sexuality if he does not take his feminine side into consideration as this is stronger in him than many others.
His sensoriality is based on participation as Mitsukane has a real need for communication.
In conclusion
Mitsukane is a true sentimental who knows how to be present at difficult moments and deploy his efforts when and as necessary, in return you should learn to understand and love him.