He who takes
Character and Dominants : Will, Dynamism, Vitality |
Plant : Elder | Animal : Octopus |
Colour : Violet | Zodiac Sign : Scorpio |
Genre : Male | Numerology : |
Origin : English first name | Etymology : |
This name is noted
by our visitors |
Sanford's life has two sides; The public face, highly fertile, and another that is more discreet, even secret.
In all cases, Sanford is very efficient and reflective, highly emotive and active.
He is an impassioned person, tenacious and determined but quite capable of mastering his explosive emotional nature through exercising patience. He has immense self-confidence that comes close to self-pride at times.
Sanford wants everything which at times incurs the risk of trying to do too much, and he wants to know everything with his dynamic curiosity that borders on indiscretion.
Despite everything, Sanford is an introvert as he only shows part of himself, his public image. What he truly thinks and the reasons for his actions are almost always hidden within himself. Sanford is pragmatic according to the circumstances and the subjects in play. His morality should be practical and efficient, even if sometimes one may doubt his sincerity and values; at those times it is for him to come to terms with his conscience. His inborn flair placed at the service of his success, and his domination, is far more instrumental than his intuition in making Sanford undeniably seductive.
His emotivity is one of the explosive ingredients, together with activity, that characterise Sanford. He appears to have a weak reactivity but in fact it is voluntarily hidden so he can carry out his deeds secretly.
Close to tyrannical, Sanford's will is extremely strong. He pursues his goals with vigour and even ferocity if necessary. Sanford literally needs action for the sake of action. In a way this acts to reassure him but is also a real addiction. A great vitality, an exemplary health and a resistance to any challenge characterise Sanford. His sociability relates particularly to a utility. Sanford enjoys receiving people, particularly if this can be useful for his career or a project he is fixed upon.
True friendship for him is as difficult to give as it is to receive. Sanford is capable of anything to achieve his ends, whatever the time it may take or the means necessary. He is tenacious and insistent.
At first glance one might think that his intelligence is simply practical and ordered but this would be an underestimation. Sanford is discreetly capable of formidable reactions.
It isn't always easy to pin Sanford down, to know if he loves or not, as his attitude is above all guided by a search for efficiency. However, he experiences great difficulties when he has to share his feelings.
His sentimentality often stems from tyrannical desires that he tries to satisfy by any means necessary.
His sensuality is based on a particular idea that is highly personal.
Sanford is often jealous and possessive, however he is very loyal.
In conclusion
Although Sanford enjoys luck and success, this can be provoking and he should not forget that setbacks exist.