Meaning of name Shonda


The silent woman

Character and Dominants : Will, Sociability, Intellect, Dynamism
Plant : HeatherAnimal : Carp
Colour : YellowZodiac Sign : Pisces
Genre : Female Numerology : 7
Origin : English first name Etymology :
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Shonda possesses a great deal of masculinity in her character, notably when it comes to a sense of command. Shonda is capable of great devotion to a cause that she considers as being righteous and is skilled in bringing all projects to a successful conclusion, always with plenty of discretion. Shonda is an extravert and likes human contact, on first meeting her she inspires a certain sympathy. Fairly secret, Shonda expresses herself more through her actions than by her words. She is not easily influenced, fairly dominant, objective and is quite self-confident. A changeable morality and beliefs, in accordance with situations and moments in her life is what characterises Shonda. Shonda has something mysterious and indefinable that attracts and appeals. Her intuition is finely tuned and she has formidable seductive powers. Although very imaginative, Shonda doesn't allow herself to be swept away.


Shonda is characterised by a fine emotivity and great sense of friendship, she is very appealing. Her friendship is loyal, but mixed at times as it can depend on her moods.


Shonda has very strong resolve and it is good for her to be around other strong characters so that she is not tempted to take charge of the destiny of those close to her. Shonda's activity can sometimes be a little abrupt, she is a go-getter who reacts with rapidity and audacity. She has very firm ideas on things and people, concerning what she does, or does not, and how. She also possesses warm characteristics that rapidly ensure she is well thought of by others. Shonda has a excellent vitality that she has a tendency to abuse, coming close to overwork at times through a lack of self discipline. Shonda enjoys contact and take great pleasure through her interactions with the world. She also knows how to use her social resources both brilliantly and intelligently to achieve her ambition. Shonda is highly independent and has extreme trouble coping with the invasive side of her family. Shonda is explosive and her dynamism is mainly channelled by a strong will, intense activity and true sociability.


Doted with a rich, complete and superficial intelligence, Shonda is also capable of plunging into several subjects at the same time as she is able to rapidly seize the essential in situations and leave superfluous details to one side. However, by over neglecting the details and concentrating only on a global overview Shonda can at times miss out on important information.


Possessive without being excessive, Shonda has a certain timidity to her feelings. A secretive person, she doesn't like revealing her affection and tenderness for all to see but she should understand that she needs to fully express herself in order to reap the benefits.


A very sensual person, Shonda has a demanding sensoriality in all areas and a real desire for a full and active life.

In conclusion

Luck, undeniable charm and a strong will are the guarantees of success for Shonda. Also, she has a certain mystery that she never entirely shares and which makes her particularly fascinating.

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