Meaning of name Stew


He who bites

Character and Dominants : Intellect, Sensoriality, Reactivity
Plant : Wild CherryAnimal : Pike
Colour : GreenZodiac Sign : Pisces
Genre : Male Numerology : 4
Origin : English first name Etymology :
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Stew has quite a cheerful and impulsive character, he is capable of reacting rapidly yet always reasonably. Stew's inner life is predominant over the outside world. He is introverted, susceptible and vindictive. It is up to him to understand the social constraints and limits of individual freedom relative to the outside world. Morality does not form part of the existential or essential points of Stew's life. He is quite combative and quickly judged as excessive. Far more attracted to logical and rational discussions, Stew doesn't really have faith in his intuition and therefore doesn't consider it to be particularly important.


One could say that Stew controls his emotivity very well, to be point of it being calculated according to the circumstances. At first glance one might think that Stew has great self-confidence, even more so as he likes being in competition on principle, but in fact he is very timid and easily influenced and can be bowled over by setbacks or treason.


His will could be described as changeable according to the situation as Stew can be quite determined, even headstrong, or he can be fairly supple. Synchronised with his determination, Stew alternates between periods of calm sharply compromising with startling episodes. His health, like his character, can be compared to a roller coaster, it therefore needs monitoring. Capricious, as with his will and his morality, the sociable side of Stew depends on circumstances. One day he will dream of solitude and the next he wants to meet the entire world. Here again we find a certain duality. Stew sometimes gives the impression of simply existing whereas he is capable of great efforts and combativeness if he feels the need.


Doted with an uncanny memory and a vivacious curiosity, Stew is also capable of understanding the tiny details of each situation as he possesses an analytical intelligence.


His affections are quite complex, it is up to him to be careful not to live too much on the edge, in accordance with his mood. With Stew you are never quite sure how things will go, or how they will end.


Stew is possessive, with a real desire to acquire and accumulate things. His sexuality is complicated, sometimes even with a hint of complex and guilt. In all cases it is not an easy area for him.

In conclusion

Through his changes in mood and his capricious behaviour, Stew often puts everything under the microscope so letting opportunities pass him by.

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